Version Controlling Drupal Settings Files

One of the problems almost every Drupal project or team comes across shortly after adding their Drupal site to a version control system such as Subversion, is whether to version-control the settings.php file or not.
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Do It Right The First Time; Do Not Use Microsoft-Contrived Version Targeting

Microsoft announced in January that Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) would be standards-compliant, but only if you included a special meta tag or http header indicating that the page should be rendered in standards compliance mode. The uproar from the standards community led Microsoft to change the default behavior of IE8. Now IE8 will render all pages in standards mode by default, unless you specify otherwise with the X-UA-Compatible meta tag or http header. Interestingly, the Microsoft followers did not seem to feel short-changed as the standards advocates had.

Authenticated Users Do Not Inherit Anonymous Role Permissions

Contrary to common belief, Drupal's Authenticated user role does not inherit permissions given to the Anonymous user role.
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Vote For DrupalCon Sessions

Unexpectedly, it appears I will probably be able to attend DrupalCon DC 2009. So I have been working frantically to get my session proposals in. Here they are;

Sharpen Your Theming Skills At DrupalCon

Theming is one of the aspects of Drupal development that Drupalers most want to get better at, according to Dries' last survey.
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Changing Young People's Misperceptions about Computer Science

A number of recent events – including a recent interview with Tim Bell, creator of Computer Science Unplugged, and the closure of Hagley School's futuristic College of Computing for the 2009 academic year – have motivated me to want to do something about the lack of interest in

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